Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This Book Really Turns Me On...

I pretty much live at Mugar these days. I know the best tables to scope out. I know which particularly cold windows to avoid. I know how to hunch over whatever sugary food or caffeinated drink I have snuck in that night in order to hide it from the Red Blazers. I do not, however, know how to deal with the craziness of midterms or finals.

I'm there all the time, so I judge where I am in the semester by the amount of people in the library. No free tables whatsoever? Well, we must be nearing a some form of testing period. I direct my glares toward the herds of students that come in for the two weeks surrounding midterms and finals. They're loud, giggly, and frankly, annoying.

After last night I was assured that it is, in fact, midterm season. I was being productive (meaning minimal time allocated for facebook stalking) and decided to take a stretch break. Because, with all these people in the library, I was bound to run into someone I knew who was looking for a distraction. On my walk, however, I found the dumbest Red Blazer I have ever seen.

As a side note, I really dislike the Red Blazers. You're students, get over it. If someone in the library has food or drink, why do you have to be assholes and tell them to throw it away? Is their coffee hurting you? Is the smell of caffeinated beans wafting through the library a distraction to ALL students? No? I didn't think so. Get over yourself, or the next time I leave and show you my bag I WILL steal a potted plant. Let's see your Blazer-ed ass run down Comm. Ave. after me.

Back to the moment at hand. So I'm walking, and I just see a Red Blazer pointing at the ground frozen in dismay. Next to him is a B&G worker who could clearly care less about whatever it is that's happening. So what was happening? There was a condom wrapper in the trashcan, which had been knocked over (perhaps in a fit of sexual excitement?). Red Blazer just couldn't handle the fact that in this huge library someone was NOT focusing on their education and using their free time in a more enjoyable way. I get it; it is kind of gross. But it wasn't a used condom, just a wrapper. Red Blazer did not need to distract everyone in the room from their studying or drag a B&G guy, who couldn't care less, away from another crisis that he probably also couldn't have cared less about. I walked away smiling, though.

Overall, weird night in the library. The kooks come out in times of stress.

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