Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shoutout to the Big E. Law

A couple of months ago, I had the typical freakout that I was in the wrong major. That law school wasn't for me. That I shouldn't be graduating this early. I stayed up all night, trying to figure which classes I should actually take. And then it hit me--I didn't really know what classes interested me.

So how could I go to law school? How could I waste that time and money for something I wasn't even partially sure I would enjoy ten years down the line. And until recently, I think I felt that I would just muddle my way through law school and figure it out after that.

Until today, I'd forgotten what it was like to be in a class that WASN'T entirely based on political theory. Especially when I tend to agree with the "bad" theorists and get marked down accordingly. I still have no apologies, by the way, for thinking that Machiavelli's political system is the most realistic for modern civilizations. Politics aren't pessimistic, but they certainly aren't full of sunshine either.

But today, I remembered that I do, in fact, love philosophy. I do love the extremely likely possibility that law will be in my future. So thanks, Environmental Law. I realize there is a change to be made in the world through law that doesn't involve Wall Street's bulging pockets (then again, I suppose that's not true this week). Environmental Law, you managed to show me that there is a heart to the political system, a heart that I think I want to be a part of.

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